Monday, December 15, 2008

al-Zedi's 15 minutes of fame

December 14, 2008, Iraq.
Bush visits Iraq for a news conference and while shaking hands with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Iraqi news journalist Muntadar al-Zedi got up from the third row and threw his size 10 shoe, one after another, at the Presidents head.

While this act is dangerous, it's also extreamly disrespectful. Showing the soles of your shoes to anyone is considered an insult in Arab culture. After Saddam Hussien was overthrown, people were seen throwing shoes at his statue.

I think that al-Zedi had some pent up anger and that he thought would be released if he threw his shoes at Bush for "all the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq" But i think was in the right to be angry, but he should have just wrote about it. Use words, not your hands... or shoes.....

Here's the video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...haaha, shoe...!