Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blog Review

Through my time blogging, I've found this type of journalism is both good and bad. I like that it's easy to access and that it's free. Another good thing is that you can write about things without the restrictions of being in a specific section of a paper or magazine. For example, you could be a sports writer, but in a blog setting, you can expand your horizons and write about anything spanning from current events to comedic pieces.

However, this type of freedom can be ones downfall. For me, I had a lot of things I wanted to talk about, but I didn't know how I wanted to convey my ideas. Another problem with blogging is that, even though it's like your online journal, you need to a be kind of careful about what you say. You don't always have to be politically correct, but if you're not, it could potentially spark controversy.

All in all, I didn't like blogging because I think that it makes you very vulnerable and, to me, it seems like an outlet for negative energy and controversy.

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